Blind tasting match between the most prestigious French schools and universities - March 15th 2019
Every year Pol Roger organizes blind tastings among the most famous schools and universities, in France and England.
Each team, composed of 3 participants, represents a school.
The winning team is selected for the national finals and each of its member is offered a bottle of Brut Vintage 2008.
The final session was held on March 15th in the premises of Pol Roger in Epernay with the four following schools:
- Université Paris Dauphine - Dauvigne
- EDHEC - Dionysos
- Kedge BS - AOC Kedge
- EM Lyon - Sup' de Coteaux
After a very tight competition, The OENS association, representing ENS, won this session and will thus come back for the international finale.
The team is composed of:
- Anouk Couturier
- Bleinstein Linus
- Victor Dagard
Emilie Sence, member of the AOC Kedge association, won the individual contest and was offered a bottle of Sir Winston Churchill 2008 by Hubert de Billy.
Congratulations to all the participants.