Blind tasting match between the most prestigious French schools and universities - February 7th 2019
Every year Pol Roger organizes blind tastings among the most famous schools and universities, in France, England, Scotland and Austria.The winning team is selected for the national finals and each of its member is offered a bottle of Brut Vintage 2008.
The Bordaux session was held on February 7th, Espace Marengo in Bordeaux with the following schools:
- Bordeaux Sciences Agro - Club Bacchus
- Kedge Business School - AOC Kedge
- Sciences Po Bordeaux - Vins/20
The AOC Kedge association, representing Kedge BS, won this session and will thus come back for the national finale on March 15th 2019.
The team is composed of:
- Emilie Sence
- Alexis Midavaine
- Quentin Drounau
A bottle of Sir Winston Churchill 2008 to Léna Plusquellec (member of Club Bacchus), the winner of the individual contest.